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Where Three Cheers Zebra Flower Jewelry Holder

Where Three Cheers Zebra Flower Jewelry Holder

Leather clothing & heavy silver jewelry form the two primary elements of what is commonly known as the “gothic look”. The Gothic Look is often known by other names, such as the biker look, the gothic look, the punk look or the rock n roll look. By whatever name you call it, the biker look is a cultural trend which runs deep in ante-hippie American culture. The perception it inspires often consists of a handsome, rugged, individualistic & masculine man riding a seasoned chopper and navigating endless rural roads into the sunset with an adventure-filled agenda often with an element of heroism. I

Gabor Nagy of Gaboratory was nothing less than a bona fide a fashion visionary; one who was way ahead of his time. Going head-on against traditional ideas and perceptions of jewelry as small, delicate accessories adorned only by rich, upper class ladies, Gabor Nagy founded Gaboratory & pioneered the entire idea of biker jewelry , which shocked designers the world over. Crafted as thick, chunky sterling silver bracelets & rings bearing loudly anarchistic gothic carved-in motifs, biker jewelry was the antithesis of the idea that jewelry should be delicate or feminine. Very much contrary to trad

At Bloodysilver.com, we bring you gothic sterling silver jewelry inspired by the best of Gaboratory jewelry at the lowest possible without delving into piracy or fraud. With the meteoric popular appeal of Gaboratory jewelry, prices of gothic silver jewelry pieces crafted by Gaboratory jewelry have shot above a level which most biker jewelry lovers feel is viable and affordable. Authentic Gaboratory pendants start from US$400 up, original Gaboratory rings start at US$1,000, authentic Gaboratory lighters can cost up to US$2,000 & Gaboratory bracelets & Gaboratory chains can easily set you back o